CoderDojo Harrogate

  • Back at the Everyman

    With lockdown rules lifting we have restarted the Sunday morning sessions at the Everyman in Harrogate. We will be here every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 10am – 1pm. 2021 Sessions Sunday 3rd October Sunday 17th October Sunday 7th November Sunday 21st November Sunday 5th December Break until the New Year Online…

  • Discord Virtual Sessions

    We’re going to try running our Virtual CoderDojo sessions using Discord. Discord is a social platform aimed at gamers and will allow us to run a server with different channels to allow communication between out mentors and Ninjas (text chat, voice & video calls, screen sharing). Parent’s guide to Discord Check out this guide for…

  • At home activities

    With the UK in #lockdown we thought it might be useful to provide some useful links for projects that Ninjas can do from the comfort of their own homes! The Raspberry Pi Foundation has some ideas You could try an Hour of Code Take part in our latest Game Jam: Isolation Attend our virtual CoderDojo…

  • Virtual Sessions

    Discord After looking at a few collaboration tools, we’ve setup a Discord server and think this has great potential for running virtual sessions. You can join our discord server using the link provided when you sign up for your free place on Eventbrite: There are several channels available for you to chat about and…

  • Sunday 15 March 2020

    Another great turnout of Ninjas at today’s session at the Everyman in Harrogate. We’ve had another mix of new and existing Ninjas – with some amazing ideas and coding work to show off, mainly in Scratch & Python today. Our fantastic mentors have been working hard as usual… not only supporting the Ninjas today, but…

  • Sunday 19 January 2020

    This year, we’re running 2 sessions a month at the Everyman Cinema in Harrogate. Today is our first ‘3rd Sunday’ session and it’s great to see so many familiar faces, continuing to work on their projects as well as some new faces too. We hope that running 2 sessions every month helps our Ninjas to…

  • Sunday 5 January 2020

    Welcome! We’re back for 2020 and we’ve had a great group of Ninjas in today – including some new faces which is always great. Great also to have Joel join us as a new mentor, who along with Tiago, Ed, Jane & myself have been providing great support to the young coders in and around…