Tag: unity

  • Coding with Unity

    Wondering what IDE to use with Unity? Here’s one option: Unity Development with VS Code

  • Unity project paths

    We’ve had a few Ninjas recently interested in starting in Unity and finding good starter tutorials can be over-whelming. There is now a new Project Path for Unity on the Raspberry Pi Projects website, which has been created with Support from Unity Technologies. It aims to help new creators to learn about Unity and get…

  • New Year New Project?

    Need some inspiration? The Raspberry Pi Foundation have a great project finder resource: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects From here you can select the type of software/language you’d like to work on, or find a project for hardware (Raspberry Pi, micro:bit and more) or by the topic that you’re interested in! Unity If you’re interested in getting into Unity,…

  • Sunday 19 January 2020

    This year, we’re running 2 sessions a month at the Everyman Cinema in Harrogate. Today is our first ‘3rd Sunday’ session and it’s great to see so many familiar faces, continuing to work on their projects as well as some new faces too. We hope that running 2 sessions every month helps our Ninjas to…